News & Upcoming Shows

List of 2016 Shows

2016 I will participate in the following Summer Art Festival Shows:

BAM Biennial 2016: MetalMorphosis | Sept. 2nd
I am very exited to be a invited to the following show at the Bellevue Art Museum in September 2016:


In 2010, Bellevue Arts Museum launched the BAM Biennial, a juried exhibition occurring every two years which focuses on the work of established and emerging Northwest artists, craftspeople, and designers, with an emphasis on current and new work. For each edition, Bellevue Arts Museum designates a new focus of exploration, be it a specific medium, technique, process, or theme in art, craft, and design. We are pleased to announce our next edition in the series, BAM Biennial 2016: Metalmorphosis.

The BAM Biennial is an opportunity for makers of all kinds to push the boundaries of their vision and skill, and for this reason, proposals for new work are strongly encouraged. The exhibition is intended to recognize the innovative and extraordinary work being produced by contemporary Northwest makers, and to celebrate the region’s distinctive character. – See more at:

March 2016 – New Website & Email Address

An other mile stone this month: The launch of this new website!
(Thanks to Amanda Holland who helped me, actually she did most of the work!)

River News | March 7th, 2016

River news: As usual in spring we have very flexible levels of water, the first warm days and with that some green fuzz on the willows. Time to be working outside to do the knitting part of my work is not far and I surly look forward to that.